Sunday, June 16, 2013

Night and Day Movie Review

Night and Day (2010) was directed by James Mangold and written by Patrick O'Neill. The Movie stars Tom Cruise as Roy Miller and Cameron Diaz as June Havens.

When I had originally heard about this movie before it even came to theaters, I thought it was completely ridiculous. This was a movie that I was sure I was never going to ever see in my entire lifetime, but I had been attempting to avoid homework the other day and it happened to be what my mother decided to watch in the other room.

After stopping to say something to her, I started to watch the beginning of the movie and couldn't get over Tom Cruise....I'm truly not a fan of him at all. Then I came out a few minutes later and I hate to say that I stayed and watched the whole movie!

The movie had a pleasantly funny storyline and I can actually say that I enjoyed both Cameron and Tom's characters. 

There is just this amazing chemistry between June and Roy as characters, plus there is just a hilarious story happening to the two. Roy is a secret agent that is attempting to protect a battery and the genius who created it, but June, a mechanic, ends up getting involved in the whole adventure. The writer made a perfect balance between the romance-comedy feel and the action scenes. It was a truly funny movie.

Now to the matter of Tom pretty much pains me to say that I found myself enjoying him and loving the character that he played. Roy has this amazing calmness and ability to be so put together and Tom captured that beautifully. Cameron's character June helped to keep the movie rather realistic feeling of reality because of the way she reacts in any situation feels genuine.

My favorite moment had to be when June attempts to punch Roy. Being an agent, he reflexives deflects the punch. What made the scene my favorite was the fact that the character apologies for doing so and tells her to punch him again because he did deserve it. I couldn't help but laugh in this moment! That was the moment when I felt that I couldn't completely hate on Tom Cruise anymore...or the movie.

Overall a movie that I was certain that I was going to hate, I ended up actually really liking! It's not too lovey-dovey which is nice. So you should check it out if you are looking for a new chick flick to watch that has a bit of action to it as well!

For a romance movie, I would have to give it a 9.

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