Monday, March 10, 2014

Forever (Wolves of Mercy Falls #3) by Maggie Stiefvater review

Forever by Maggie Stiefvater

Forever is a fantasy, werewolf, teen fiction, drama, and love story. It is the third of a trilogy called Wolves of Mercy Falls. This book picks up rather oddly following the character Shelby (which is the one and only time the story is told from her point of view), and it was very confusing to me. Eventually the scene does make sense though. There is a slight gap in time that is probably at least a month or so. The story is still told from the viewpoints of Sam, Grace, Isabel, and Cole.

The change in each character is definitely more visible in this book, and it really hits you how much they’ve grown. They are still at the core themselves, but each has grown in other facets greatly. This book definitely made me care more about Isabel and Cole than Sam and Grace. It felt weird to not be more connected with the main characters. Not that I wanted them to die, but I definitely wanted Cole and Isabel to live and be happy.

The composition wasn’t as great as the other books; there were random moments that just didn’t read as nicely as other parts did. It aired on the side of feeling sloppy and quickly thrown together as well. This book also randomly decided to up its vocabulary level and I had to look up a one or two words, but their meaning were easy to pick up from their context. There was also a lot more angst and tension within this storyline, and I liked that part of it. But I was left feeling like I wanted more things to happen. The storyline isn't overall action filled with stuff; it is definitely more talk and people looking longingly into the distance.It is quite unlike a lot of other werewolf and fantasy books, there isn’t a like rivalry between two groups (i.e. werewolves versus vampires).

Overall, this isn’t one of my favorite series. There is also a somewhat anti-climactic ending; I was left wanting like an epilogue or something. As well as feeling a little soft on the ending, I did find that with the level of angst in this book there wasn’t enough big events. So it really left me wanting more things happening. There was a moment towards the end of the book that I had to completely like disassociate with, because it was so dark and hard to read. It wasn’t like a bad dark though; the events really give the book like a deeper feel. I'd probably give the series as a whole like a 6 or 7, because I liked parts of it and did enjoy reading it. I just wish there was more!

Side Note: the book does have red font which I quite like.

You can get it here:

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