Thor: The Dark World (2013) IMDB
Rotten Tomatoes 66% (Rotten Tomatoes)
Movie Info:
Directors: Alan Taylor
Writers: Christopher Yost, Christopher Markus, Stephan McFeely, Don
Payne, Robert Rodat, Stan Lee, Larry lieber, and Jack Kirby
Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Super Hero
Movie Release Date: November 8 2013
DVD Release Date: Estimated March 2014
Sequel to Thor (2011) IMDB
I feel that if I talk about Thor, I need to talk about how much I love Tom Hiddleston as Loki. The character has so many facites and different emotions, and somehow Tom Hiddleston manages to keep up with all of them flawlessly. There is no one else that I would want to see playing the whole. (Also if you haven't figured out, Loki is my favorite character of this series!)
Overall, I wasn't overly impressed with the movie. I would have been okay not seeing the film in theaters, and just waiting till I got in on DVD. Mostly because, I felt like the movie's plot line was rather predictable. My favorite moments in the movie was when Loki and Thor are walking down a hallway, and Loki keeps changing himself and his brother into random characters. The random cameo that happens had me laughing so hard. The scene at the end of the credits is also really funny. Everyone in my theater was laughing at it as well! (So wait for the credits to finish rolling!)
My least favorite moment is probably the fight scene between Thor and Algrim/Kurse. That was the scene that had the weirdest shots to me. The one that stood out most in the fight scene was a reaction shot of Thor just before he gets hit with a rock. It was literally like a few seconds and wasn't needed! Just wish the fight was cleaner shot so that it would have flowed better. Overall, the movie has a decent amount of action and comical moments. I'd probably give it like a 6 out of 10. So let me know what you thought of the movie and your favorite or least favorite moments of the movie.
(Also side note! I was really excited that Zachary Levi was in this movie! Took me a while to figure out which character was him, because they made him a blond. I was a little taken back, but I think he makes a pretty decent blond. What do y'all think?)
These pictures and more can be found here: Rotten Tomatoe Pictures
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