Advice is something that has been dished out to me quite often
Far more
often than I would like…
because a lot of it is useless to me…
Today, however, I
was given some advice that made me quite mad.
Like super mad
Like wanting to punch
someone in the face mad
At the time, I wasn’t super sure why I was that angered by
the advice
Searching for the answer, actually gained me quite a lot of helpful insight.
The non-helpful part being that I felt
utterly belittled
Being talked down to
angers me greatly
(which is honestly something that I already knew)
The helpful part was learning that I knew what I didn’t want
I was given great advice that was a smart choice
about it really added up greatly
felt utterly wrong for me
I wanted nothing to do with that track in life
It wasn’t a career path I was remotely interested in,
But mostly, it felt like it would go against the path I saw
myself taking.
My life needs equal
amounts of fun and creativity balanced against discipline and schedules.
The advised life had
nothing to do about fun
It was all work and no
That is not
the life for me.
I want my life to be
equal parts fun and hard work.
So while the advice
was for a smart choice
It was not the smart choice for me.