I actually rather liked Red (2010) so I was fairly excited for the
sequel! The previews did look quite awesome so I was super hopeful for a great
sequel. I never got a chance to see it in theaters, and I just now got the
chance to watch the DVD that we’ve had forever.
Actors: Bruce Willis as Frank, John Malkovich as Marvin,
Mary-Louise Parker as Sarah, Helen Mirren as Victoria, Anthony Hopkins as
Bailey, Byung-hun Lee as Han Cho Bai, Catherine Zeta-Jones as Katja, Neal
McDonough as Jack Horton, Brian Cox as Ivan, and David Thewlis as the Frog
Directors: Dean Parisot
Writers: Jon Hoeber, Erich Hoeber, Warren Ellis, and Cully
Genre: Action, Comedy, and Crime
Movie Release Date: July 19, 2013
DVD Release Date: November 26, 2013
This movie picks up a bit after the first movie. The whole premise is
that Frank and his team have to rejoin to stop a nuclear device from falling
into the wrong hands. The trailers didn’t really show the storyline to the
movie as much as I would have liked. I didn’t even know there was a nuclear
device search when I started the movie.
The acting in the movie was on par with the first one. As always, I
loved Bruce Willis and I really do think that he does a great job portraying
the character. Frank is really a simple person, but playing a simple role can
be very easy to overdue. Also worth mentioning is that I love Helen Mirren, she
is amazing! I truly see her as Victoria and not an actor. Side note: I think
Mary-Louise Parker is growing on me, and the facial expressions she does are
spot on! Sarah is such an awkward character at times, and those facial
expressions truly help with that. I did also have a freak out moment when David
Thewlis was there, because dude! he was in Harry Potter!!! Oh and Shadow Storm
was there too! Byung-hun Lee was Han Cho Bai! (He did all these awesome action
sequences with a suit on; that has to be really hard.)
Overall, I liked the movie because it is the best of both worlds. I
feel like girls are going to like it and boys are going to like it. There is
fighting, shooting, and explosions plus there is like a revenge battle of
making out with Frank and Sarah. They start acting like kids in school which is
hilarious. I also enjoy that everyone is giving Frank advice on love and his
relationship. They truly kept the awesome parts of the first movie and brought
them into the second one. One thing that I am happy about is that they didn’t
overdue the special effects which is something I feel like movies do often
(like Expendables (it’s just too much!!)). The only parts I disliked about the
movie were the weird red cut scenes and there was a jar of tarantulas (gross
>.<). My favorite character will probably always be Victoria because I
mean come on, is an explanation really needed? My favorite part is not that
specific, but it is that I can never figure out anyone’s plans because it is
always so random and confusing. So let me know your favorite character and your
favorite and least favorite moments of the movie.
Hope you have a joyous day!
These images and more can be found here.